Queensborough National Bank
Queensborough National Bank
735 E Winthrope Avenue,
Millen, GA 30442
Phone:(478) 982-5700
Welcome to QNB&T
QNBTQ Remote Deposit for Businesses
If you have 9 inches of space on your desk, you can have a teller in your office.
Click here for more information.
QNBTQ Investments
Did you know that Queensborough Investments can help you with a broad array of financial services including Mutual Funds, Fixed & Variable Annuities, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Rollovers and much more? For more information, click here.
QNBTTwo Newest Locations
We invite our customers, neighbors, and business owners to visit any of our 22 locations including our two newest branch offices. In West Augusta, you can find us at 3617 Walton Way Extension. Phone 706-731-1500. In Savannah, we are located at 216 West Highway 80. Phone 912-303-9080.
QNBTMore Insurance. More Convenience.
QNB&T is a CDARS® program participant which means that you can access up to $50 MILLION in FDIC insurance. No need to manage accounts at multiple banks. Click here for more information.
QNBTQNB&T and FDIC Insurance Coverage
Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company remains a safe and sound financial institution with 107 years of experience in the banking industry. FDIC insurance is automatically available on your deposit accounts.
QNBTFDIC Insurance Increase Extended
Congress passed and the President signed the $250,000.00 FDIC deposit insurance limit through December 31, 2013. (As you may recall, the increase from $100,000.00 to $250,000.00 was scheduled to expire later this year).
Copyright © 2008 Queensborough National Bank and Trust Company
